GPS Coordinates Surname Sign

GPS Coordinates Surname Sign. Ideal to celebrate the exact location of your meeting, engagement or wedding.

Range of sizes (approx..)

Large 55cm x 14cm(21.5” x 5.5”)
Small 30cm x 8cm(12” x 3”)

We recommend using to get your GPS coordinates.

On the above website enter the full address including country or postcode into the ‘place name’ box. You can then move the blue place marker around the map to get the exact location. Scroll down the page and copy the ‘GPS coodinates’ into the location box on our site, it should look something like this:

52° 55′ 58.3536” N 1° 28′ 56.532” W


52.932876, -1.482370

We will cut and design the co-ordinates that are sent in so please be sure that they are correct and they are in the format you are happy with.

We recommend command strips to hang in the appropriate position (not supplied).

Made from 3mm Medite MDF.

SKU: N/A Categories: , , ,

Additional information

Font Style

Boho Cut, Boho Engraved


Large, Small

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